For several years after its founding, IBAB's International
Headquarters facility consisted of a heavy duty black paper clip
attached to a founder's hangar by an existing screw. On more than
one occasion, members scribbled important messages relating to the
Brotherhood on scraps of paper and put them in the paper clip.
That was about as far as these important messages got. |
In the fall of 2003, two events transpired with great consequence for IBAB. First, the disposition of the heavy duty black paper clip became suddenly uncertain as the tenancy of the aforementioned hangar was transferred without warning to an unknown party having no affiliation with the Brotherhood.
This would have spelt big trouble for the IBAB headquarters staff were it not for the coincident acquisition of a second home by one of the loyal Brethren. IBAB immediately appropriated two of the bedrooms and half the garage for its new headquarters, and scheduled a rare meeting to decide where on the new building to mount the heavy duty black paper clip.
The new IBAB headquarters facility is open to the general public
seven days a week. The accompanying map will get you there. We
extend special courtesies to rich widows, Jack Daniels
distributors, and anyone who might |
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